
ImportFood homepage

ImportFood offers an extensive selection of Thai and Southeast Asian sauces, condiments, spices, soup bases, curry and chili pastes, fish sauce, noodles, flours, canned goods and packaged snacks. Every year, new crop Jasmine white and brown rice are available on the site as soon as they come to market. The specific brands they sell are all vetted for authenticity and quality, eliminating the confusion that ensues when confronting the crowded shelves at Asian markets. In season, pristine fresh produce—kaffir limes and lime leaves, galangal, birds eye chili, Thai eggplant, Asian basil and betel leaves—are also sold. The site markets authentic Thai cookware of a quality one cannot find in local grocery stores, if they can be found at all.

ImportFood also features nearly 300 recipes in all categories from snacks to desserts. One of the truly unique features of the website is the selection of videos showing street vendors in Thailand preparing a large range of dishes. Great still-photos of the dish accompany the videos, along with the recipe, a shopping list for ingredients, and any special equipment needed for preparation. When you can actually see the food being prepared, it allows you to get so much closer to creating these dishes in your own kitchen. Again and again while watching the videos I find myself saying, “So THAT’S how you are supposed to do it!”

Final note, after being unavailable for over a month, their excellent Royal Umbrella brand of Jasmine rice is back in stock in 10-pound bags, at least as of 5/16!


Issue 18: With the Click of a Mouse

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